Business Trips
The application manages domestic and foreign business trips. It covers the complete workflow from creating a new request through its approval/rejection to payment. The application complies to the law of the Czech Republic.
Application overview
The application covers the agenda of business trips from the request to the export to accounting systems. It calculates per diems and currency conversion rates according to official legal rates.
Main application view
Request Processing
The process begins by submission of a travel request by an employee or his deputy. The request contains fields such as travel dates, destination, purpose of travel and a requirement of the advance payment and travel allowance. The system automatically calculates the estimated travel expenses in local currency in accordance with the Czech law.
Each request is approved or rejected by the designated supervisor. The supervisor can adjust the amount of advance payment during approval.
A cashier can be notified of approved requests so he can pay the advance deposit to employees and subsequentially update records in the system.
Statement processing
After returning from a trip employees must fill a form required by local law, they enter all the information required for accounting the business trip:
- date of the beginning and end of the trip
- means of transport
- tickets, fuel consumption, tolls, accommodation or other costs in the respective currencies
- food or refreshments provided by the employer or another party
Based on the entered data, the system automatically calculates travel expenses, including the currency conversions according to official rates. After that the travel statement is approved by a supervisor and routed for a check performed by an accountant. The last step of the workflow is the clearance of the statement - the system can export payment orders for further processing in an accounting software.
E-mail notifications
On each change of status of request/statement the concerned users are informed by e-mail notifications that contain links to the respective document.
Requests and statements can be reported in many different ways: by employee, status, dates, destination, etc. If the application is connected to a CRM, than the travel statements can also be sorted by customer or business partner, etc.
Main View | Business Trip Record |
Diets Setup | User Profile |